Construction Horizon



This is an overview of construction industry by Anup D Shirhatti and and an attempt is create an alternative perspective of of civil engineering and how it effects and what we can learn from it. Also to Convey thoughts about construction which are there but it is is needed to be explore. to create a knowledge reference point of construction of current era.
Also in this book an attempt is made to dwell on personality development and problem solving aspects of civil engineering. The various standpoints with a scope to introduce to students concurrent view points.
I would like to thank, My Parents, wife, daughter for helping me devote my time in this endeavour. I would like to thank my friends , teachers and all the fellow professional colleagues who have contributed directly or indirectly helping me with technical aspects.
Finally I would like to Dedicate it to Lord Vishnu for his blessings for making the content possible.

Anup D Shirhatti


1. A rising era of Civil engineering - Personal insights  Link`

2. Corporate Analogy of Corporate Life Link

3. Structural Analysis of Life  Link

4. Problem Solving – Surveying insights Link

5. Art of Communication – Civil Engineering Life Learnings Link

6. Professionalism in construction  Link

7. Transportation engineering – Life Learnings  Link

8. Factor of safety- Civil Engineering Life learnings Link

9. Extension survey in civil Engineering Link

10. Iron analogy in context of leadership Link

11. Concept of Pre-stress in problem solving Link

12. Prismatic Compass – a paradigm for direction  Link

13. Central vista – Indraprasta Analogy Link

14. Natural disaster management in civil Engineering

15. Vision 2050 Link