Concrete Analogy of Corporate Life
An Article by Anup D Shirhatti dtd 09-06-2021
One of the reasons why world has evolved in 20th century is because of concrete. As construction is not new to man. Man has always realized what he has imagined but concrete and steel made many improbable things it into realization. We are now constructing Kilometer tall Buildings and kilometer wide span bridges. We have woven a network of concrete roads ,we have constructed concrete Dams which is providing drinking water to millions of people. Concrete has indeed become 2nd most consumed commodity next only to water!
Now let us see what concrete is made up of it is made by mixing of coarse aggregate,sand and cement but mainly and the spaces in between is filled by sand and cement paste. The aggregate occupies 90% of volume but the strength of concrete is determined by strength of cement paste which occupies 10% of volume as it binds individual aggregates. The cement paste requires hydration so concrete is cured for 28 days and the strength of concrete increases day by day. Life is similar to concrete we have 24 hours in a day and 90% goes I,e. 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, 1 hours for travel, 4 hours for self care, chores,etc the utilization of balance 3 hours determines our altitude in our life. The passion be itself improvement like photography, music, writing, or skill development you need to provide resources just curing curing. Such orchestrated efforts may lead to realization of skills which may be the missing cherry on the cake nevertheless.
The strength of concrete is determined by water cement ratio if we put too much water in concrete than it will have low strength and if we add less water strength may be good but it will not be workable. So is in life, it is about work personal life ratio. If we put too much stress on work personal life will suffer and if we put too much stress on personal life it is not workable. Balance is the Key.
The fresh concrete in a beam has to be supported by wooden supports, after 14 days the beam can support its self weight only, and after 28 days the beam can carry train along with passengers and so goods. So is a positive thought or a dream, it is initially heavy and may be carried over shoulder for several months, after that dream may support itself, and one day dream may give person wings and in the end conviction and persistance is all that matters.