Extension Survey

 An article by Anup D Shirhatti dtd.26-09-2021

There is an extensive survey course in civil engineering, which introduces the student with actual practice. They are really useful for example construction of new tank, renovation of old tank, road project & Water supply Project.


The road project involves connecting Two points on land by road which involves reconsiance survey,Actual sureying with levelling instruments, chain,compass,theolodite,etc.Out of the alternative routes the road is designed for geometric design,traffic design,pavement design and out of the alternatives best alternative is chosen.

The water supply design involves providing drinking water supply to a particular locality. This involves deciding what is the demand,selection of source of water, transferring water through pump/gravity linr, designing pump house, main line, ditribution and prepration of the drawings for the same.

The new tank project involves construction of weir across a nallah and storing the water for utilization/other purposes. The first aspect involves hydrologic study the yield from the catchment is determined. Capacity of tank is determined based on contour survey with plaintable accordingly the height of surplus weir, location of embankment, tank bund sluice and canal is designed.

The old tank project involves rejenuvation of existing old tank due to aging measures like desiltation, the sluice may be damaged or may be the weir height needs to be increased to store more water.

All in all extensive survey is fulfilling experience which sharpens both technical as well as people skills .

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