Iron analology in context of leadership

 An article by Anup D Shirhatti  dtd .05-12-2021

Some materials are elastic albeit some are brittle, some of the most brittle  materials posses rigidness for example glass, but plastic is flexible but does not return to original shape,so why iron is such a wonderful material as it is rigid and flexible but it has an inherent weakness i,e. it corrodes with age.

I always wondered why  man is compared with iron, like iron man of India, Iron man of America is the profound strength of thousand elephants it posseses. Iron just like gold when treated with additives like carbon, nickel etc changes its properties profoundly becomes steel. Similarly when man adds virtues like patience, honesty, endurance, compassion to his itenary he can also become man of steel shouldering the responsibilities of society


Further, an ore mined from a mine, ay have destiny to be churned into steel, There is a process called anealing where iron is cooled slowly to become mild steel. Mild steel is elastic in nature so also we, in youth youngsters are also like red hot iron, they have to imbibe great qualities like patience, honesty, endurance, compassion which are nothing but the foundation of great personality, which  have to be inculcated day by day. Other wise  if we search shortcuts like queching of steel makes the steel brittle and hard  NeverthLess, we have to be honest,   life provides an opportunity some times slowly, some times at rapid pace We need to be ready and go with the flow.


It is usually sad that power corrupts, but human being must rise above the mediocrity and strive to achieve highest quality. Although corrosiion is there in steel but if our intentions are pure like Iron pillar of dehli. There is a great power in purity as purity is possible if thoughts are pure, than actions are pure then results will be pure. Just like steel  may be cast as a bolt, angle, channel, etc to be used as an element in truss where it takes stress as compression or tension in elastic range. Similarly youth goes from a novice to assisstant, to senior, to leader who posesesses power to change





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